A Shy Girl

A Shy Girl
A Shy Girl
category Installation
subject Political / Social
base 550 cm
height 155 cm
depth 220 cm
year 2022
A shy girl
Pink plush inflatable installation, 150*220*520cm, 2022

Rewriting the rules of the game, acting according to one's instinct, and deciding to implement a change through a process of re-functioning that destabilizes but also intrigues, intrigues and stimulates a growing curiosity towards an apparently illogical and dysfunctional irreality. XinHan Yú, who started from elements belonging to the digital world, has given rise to a short-circuit, visual and tangible, found in the sphere of reality. Tanks are a unique symbol for China, not only as a symbol of power but also as a symbol of banned words. The most famous of these events is the "Tiananmen Square protests" or "Tiananmen Square massacre" on June 4, 1989, which China calls the 'June Fourth Incident. No information about this event is available on the Chinese Internet. The most recent incident was this year when the government permanently banned a famous internet celebrity with 61.8 million followers for selling ice cream in the shape of a Type 59 tank on the June Fourth Incident. This highly sensitive message and symbol have always been my concern, so I chose the tank as the image symbol. And in Chinese folklore, pink is gendered, and we would call it 'the young girl pink', a symbol of softness and frailty. The inflatable device with a plush surface seems to give the work this image of a large, hard but easily destroyed appearance.
Xinhan Yú
Artist, Bologna
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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